My first enterprise deal

At one of my startups I closed an enterprise ($6B enterprise w/ close to 10k employees) pilot in 2.5 months, without a product, from a cold email. Here is the story:

  • The email was a mass blast with a narrow subject line and 2 sentences.

  • The first meeting was a deck walkthrough, some discovery and a few stories.

  • The prospect then sent us a data set for our ML team to analyze (prove you are experts).

  • We had 7 meetings from first call to signature. (virtual).

  • The budget varied from six figures, to free.

  • The promised platform launch data came and went (that was awkward).

  • We signed the pilot on a word doc, skipping all the SOW and MSA headaches.

  • Between meetings 4 and 6, we considered bailing out, as we wondered if they had any intent.

  • So why did we get the deal?

  • We had technical expertise they didn’t.

  • One of their technical leads (Phd in Robotics) left.

  • The team came under a director who was a believer.

  • The teams thesis aligned with the promise of our soon to be launched platform.

  • Client had internal pressure to deliver.

This is why Enterprise is a slog.


Right people in the right roles.


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