Economy trends.
A space to think about the economy and technology
China is seen as a risker place to invest relative to the U.S. Will help with a soft landing.
America is building again
A unicorn bloodbath
Since there's no official description of “affluent,” what kind of data did you use to define this category?
We looked at the number of people who take a flight at least once a year; the number of people who order from food delivery services at least once a month; the number of people who file income taxes on sums of more than 1 million rupees (around $12,040); the number of people who have credit cards and postpaid mobile connections. The unique number of people who use these discretionary products and services is somewhere in the region of 50 or 60 million. Then we looked at the income pyramid, which tells us what the top 60 million people earn. It seems to be around an annual $10,000 per person.
Many children who attend primary school drop out and do not attend secondary school. That means many more children or adolescents are missing from secondary school than primary education.